Rwanda Housing Project
The Rwanda Housing Project is a critical survey of 370 self-build homes depicting the structures, landscape, and infrastructure that the Masoro community members built for each other. Also on view is a scroll-like drawing of historical Rwandan flora, fauna, and architectures since the pre-colonial time, to situate the contemporary autoconstruction practices. Since 2019, a team of Syracuse Architecture students led by Yutaka Sho has been digitizing sketches and measurements that their counterparts at the National University of Rwanda have gathered in rural Masoro.
Project Team
General Architecture Collaborative:
James Setzler
Yutaka Sho
Fatuo Dieye
Katie Garner
Syracuse University School of Architecture Students:
Coming Soon
Project Partners
Syracuse University, School of Architecture
National University of Rwanda
Collaborators & Critics:
Leighton Beaman